How to Teach Stippling
Stippling is a great way for students to learn texture, shading and most of all, patience; so here’s some ideas for how to teach stippling to your art students. Introduce Stippling First, I explain that stippling is a technique where artists use small dots of ink, pencil or paint to create shading and texture. I […]
How to Teach Digital Art
When I think of how to teach digital art, I think the most important step is just to jump in and give it a try. It is probably a lot easier than you think. Here’s some basic ways to get started. Why Teach Digital Art? Digital art is a 21st century skill. Let’s face it, […]
Art Classroom Management: 9 Essential Tips for Art Teachers
Balancing creativity and structure can be challenging at times, so here are nine art classroom management tips that have helped me create a productive and enjoyable learning environment for all of my students. 1. Establish Clear Expectations Early I always start the school year discussing rules and expectations of the art room. I ask my […]
New Art Teacher Survival Guide: Tips for Your First Year as an Art Teacher
Being a new art teacher can feel overwhelming at first but here’s some ways to prepare you to be a successful first year art teacher. I’ve been teaching art for over 25 years at all grade levels from K-12 and throughout my career, I have discovered many tips and tricks to make teaching art the […]
How to Make a Printable Escape Room Game
Creating a printable escape room game for your art room is not as hard as you might think. It makes for a great break and my students loved it. Here’s how I did it. Come up With Theme The theme of an escape game can be a story such as an art heist or an […]
Stitching Creativity: How to Teach Sewing to Art Students
Here’s some ideas for how to teach sewing to art students. Sewing is a skill that fosters creativity, patience, and attention to detail. Teaching sewing to art students can be a rewarding experience that introduces them to the world of textiles and encourages their artistic expression. I will share how to effectively teach three sewing […]
How to Teach Principles of Design
Planning how to teach Principles of Design to your students can be challenging. I cover teaching the Principles of Designs in many different ways in my art curriculum. Here’s some of my favorites. Principles of Design Worksheets I believe the Principles of Design are more complex than the Elements of Art so I created worksheets […]
Culture Jars Art Lesson: How to Celebrate Cultural Heritage
I created this culture jars art lesson for an ‘Art and World Cultures’ class, and continue to use it in art classes because it is so well received. This lesson is the perfect way to showcase each individual students’ celebrations, traditional food and meals, customs and beliefs. Here’s how I teach and display it. Lesson […]
Art Rubrics: How to Create Simple Grading Criteria
Before I started using art rubrics, I used to feel overwhelmed when it came time to grade students’ artwork. Since then I have created a rubric for every lesson I teach and it brings comfort to both myself and my students. Here is why I think rubrics are important, how to use them and how […]
Collaborative Art Ideas
Here are a few collaborative art ideas for when your students need a change of pace. For example, after a long lesson or a project that requires a lot of focus and concentration, a collaborative lesson is a perfect reset. They give students a chance to think quickly, be creative, and most of all – […]